The mobile app Tinder tends to be a fantastic way for individuals to meet locally for dating and short-term enjoyment. They’ve also expanded their offerings more recently to include Plus & Gold services, both of which allow you to meet people long distance, as well as locally.
Tinder Super Likes (The Details)
As an app, Tinder has been steadily gaining popularity in the dating markets for years, and as it grows the buzz around it only intensifies. For a lot of folks, the transformation of the modern dating scene into something almost completely digital was almost unimaginable only ten or fifteen years ago. If you’re this sort of person, you should most definitely check out the online guides available on using the app as well as you can.
When you’re familiar with how to use Tinder, it’s a wonderful experience. The app allows you to sit in the comfort of your own home and browse for matches, as opposed to going to your local bar and trying to pick someone up. Tinder was the first to popularize the “swipe” that has become fairly ubiquitous within mobile dating apps. This works pretty simply, swiping your finger across the screen in either direction to indicate whether you’re interested in someone or not. If you’ve been selected by the individual you swipe right for, you’ll be matched and can start chatting immediately.
So, this is all pretty fun & functional, but what happens when swiping just becomes a little too commonplace? Well, remember when I mentioned the Plus and Gold memberships briefly above? This is where those added features become valuable, as they can really spice up your base level Tinder experience. Below, I’m going to cover a specific bonus feature offered by Tinder, called the “Super Like.”
So, What The Heck Is A Super Like?
So, boiled down to the simplest explanation, a super like is basically an extra signal to the other person that you’re very, very interested in them. Here’s how it works; Normally, when you swipe right on an individual, they won’t be notified unless they’ve swiped right on you as well. But when you make the extra step to super like a person, they’ll be notified immediately that you’ve… give them a wave, so to speak.
Tinder first released this feature in 2015, and it almost immediately created a buzz within the community. It definitely gives individuals a fighting chance to match with individuals that normally would pass a lot of people over due to the sheer number of matches they receive.
So, how do you super like someone? It’s actually pretty easy. Typically when you’re using the app (as well as other apps) you have to swipe either left or right, however when you find someone worth a super like, you’ll have to swipe upwards. There’s also a star icon sandwiched between the like and dislike buttons at the bottom of the screen which will perform the same action as a swipe upwards.
Is A Super Like The Right Move?
Sometimes it can be hard to decide whether or not to use a super like because different people perceive them in different ways. A person might get really excited that an individual is so over the top interested in them. But for every one of these kinds of folks, there are others who will wonder why you’re so needy that you needed to use a special feature to try and grab their attention. These sorts of thoughts on their side of the situation can sometimes even bleed over into the conversations that occur once you’ve met.
There’s also a third contingent of people that just think the whole super like function is a complete waste of time, in that it nullifies the matching function that the app was initially designed to have.
While all of these perspectives have their merits, at the end of the day just follow your gut and do what feels right at the moment. Or, if you’re the third type of individuals here…just don’t use the feature!
Checking Out Your Super Likes
So, the first step to being able to see your super likes is by having your Tinder notifications set to “On,” after which you’ll be alerted to any super likes. Keep in mind that if you’ve only got a free Tinder profile (as opposed to the Gold or Plus profiles), you won’t be able to see who it was that super liked you until the two of you actually match. Some people actually prefer the basic, free profile as they enjoy the excitement that surrounds a super like without a face to go along with it.
If you’re a Plus or Gold member, you can tap on the initial super like notification from your phone to get you into the app. From there, you’ll swipe through a few standard profile cards before you come across a card outlined in blue. This will be the signal that you’re looking at your “super like” admirer. You’ll also notice a blue star icon displayed on their profile.
If you’re like a lot of other people, you don’t like to be bothered by phone notifications, which is why you may have your Tinder alerts turned off. This could be concerning for you, as you might be thinking, “What if I miss when an individual decides to Super Like my profile? Am I just out of luck?”
The answer is, not in the slightest! The only difference here is that you may have to swipe through a few additional profile cards before landing on your super like, as they’ll have been “shuffled” back into the “deck.”
Either way, you’ll be able to check out your super like with just a few swipes. You’ll also be able to see all of the super likes that you’ve matched with by looking at your list of total matches. Here, they’ll also be outlined in blue and have a blue star icon.
What I Think
The Tinder Super Like can be a powerful tool to help you find that perfect match, as long as you use it wisely. Individuals are only given a single Super Like per day, so you’ll want to be pretty sure that the person you’re looking at is worth the risk.
My advice? Download the app, upgrade your membership, and jump into one of the single biggest dating pools of the decade. If you’re into more risque stuff, then you’ll want to give this site here a shot instead.